We are on google maps as Ojo Bio Panama.   My whatsapp is +507 6983 2065


By land:
Coming from Panama City/David/Boquete: Take a bus that is going to Almirante or Changuinola. You will pass by our property BEFORE you reach Almirante. Tell the driver you want to go to Loma Azul- this is the indigenous village directly across the street from us. If you have cell service, please send a whatsapp when you reach the Terpel gas station in Chiriqui Grande. From that point, you will be about 45 minutes away. Please watch google maps so you can remind your driver where to drop you off! Our property has a large wooden gate with a thatched roof that says Ojo Bio.

Coming from Costa Rica: Take a bus that is going to Chiriqui Grande or David. You can also take a bus to Almirante and then change buses there. Tell the driver you want to go to Loma Azul- this is the indigenous village directly across the street from us. If you have cell service, please send a whatsapp when you reach Almirante. From that point, you will be about 25 minutes away. Please watch google maps so you can remind your driver where to drop you off! Our property has a large wooden gate with a thatched roof that says Ojo Bio.

By air:
You can fly into the Bocas del Toro airport. From there, you will take a water taxi to Almirante, and then a bus to our property. Or, you can fly into the Changuinola airport. From there, you will take a bus to our property. Bus directions from either airport are above under Coming from Costa Rica. 

If we are unable to meet you at the gate, it will be unlocked. Please come in and lock the gate behind you. Walk down toward first building and turn right on the short gravel road toward the forest. At the end of the gravel, look to your left. There is a trailhead there. Take that all the way down. At the bottom, turn left across the creek. Go under the arch with the vines growing on it and turn right- there’s a sidewalk at the end of the parking area. Take that, then take the first stairs on your left beside the green building. That will bring you to the house.

We have well water that you can drink from the tap. You need a large water bottle to keep with you when you’re working. We provide dish soap, laundry soap, cleaning products, bed linens, and bath towels. You need to provide your own toiletries: toilet paper, paper towels, shampoo, body soap, etc…. 


-Wifi Code is ojobio2020   Please connect immediately so we can communicate through whatsapp during your stay.
-We are OFF GRID and rely on a generator for electricity and a well for water. Please conserve both!! Especially electricity. We run the generator from about 7am to 10:30am and again from about 4pm to 7pm. Charge phones, computers, etc.. during this time only. When the generator is off, please keep lights and fans off unless absolutely necessary. At night, do not use more than 1 fan.
-Laundry can only be done when the generator is on. You need to start laundry by 8:30am if it is sunny, and by 7am if it is rainy and you need to use the dryer.
-You can flush toilet paper down the toilet. Please do not flush ANYTHING else!! 
-The shower has warm water. Turn on the warm water faucet only. Usually that’s all you need to take a shower, unless you want to add a little cold water.
-Any food item that is not completely sealed should be stored in the refrigerator to prevent bugs.
-ALL food waste must be kept in the container in the freezer. When it is full, bring it outside to thaw and then we will compost it. All other trash goes in the large trashcan on the porch. 
-We leave the two big sets of doors open 24/7 for airflow unless there is no one on the property. You are completely safe here! 
-We will show you where all of the edible fruits and plants are on the property. You can harvest anything you need whenever you would like EXCEPT DO NOT HARVEST bananas, pineapples, or anything in the vegetable garden. When we have excess of these things, we will share!

-We go to Almirante a couple times a week. You are free to come along to do your shopping!
-Buses going to Almirante and Changuinola leave from in front of our property about every 30 minutes so you can do shopping on your own or explore the towns. 
-If you want to go to the islands, water taxis leave from Almirante about every 30 minutes. We go to Bocas Town (main island) usually once or twice a week on our boat, and you can catch a ride with us if you’d like.
-We have a vehicle to rent. Information here. 

-We require 3 hours of work each day from both people. This is 3 hours of WORK, not including breaks. 
-Work hours must be the same, and workers must remain together at all times. Take your water bottle with you! 
-We recommend that you start work EARLY, as it’s cooler then. You can start as early as 7am. 
-Be prepared to work in heat, humidity, and rain. Weather doesn’t stop the work! 
-Start your work prepared to WORK for your entire shift. Walking back and forth to the house constantly to get your hat, your water, etc… is not acceptable and if you consistently do that your review will reflect it. Take everything you need with you when you come out to begin the day. 
-You may work extra hours to get days off. For example, if you work three 4 hour days in a row, you will “bank” an extra 3 hours, earning a day off. Work three 5 hour days in a row, you will “bank” an extra 6 hours, earning two days off. You must  have your hours banked BEFORE you take a day off. The maximum work day is 5 hours. 
-You can spend your days off however you like- either on property or visiting the islands for the day or overnight.
-If one person is unable to work for ANY reason (illness, etc…), the other person can work 6 hours that day, or the charge is $30. If both can’t work, the charge is $60. Payment is required immediately.

-Our reef is very delicate and under a lot of stress already. You must use REEF SAFE SUNSCREEN or protective clothing when in the water. You are not allowed to use regular sunscreen, and if we see you with it you will be asked to leave the property immediately.
-We have a kayak and snorkel gear for you to use. 
-Kayaking and snorkeling should only be done at HIGH TIDE. The water is very shallow here. You can check the tide charts here. 
-There are really only two things that can hurt you here- sea urchins and jellyfish. Avoid sea urchins by NEVER stepping on the seafloor!! Swim or tread water at all times! Check the ladder for urchins before you climb in/out. Protective clothing is best to prevent jellyfish stings.
-Do NOT leave kayaks, snorkel gear, hammocks, or other items unattended on the dock or over the water buildings.

On the day of departure, the house needs to be SPOTLESS. You need to clean every surface, fans (floor and ceiling), windows, kitchen (including shelves), refrigerator, and thoroughly clean the bathroom. Put your sheets, towels, bathroom rug, and shower curtain in the washing machine before 8am. Right before you leave, sweep and mop and put your kitchen waste on the compost (covered with a layer of leaves). If you need extra cleaning supplies, let me know. I leave reviews based on cleanliness, so make sure you get a good review!! 


-Our employee Papsy has fresh eggs that he sells for $3 a dozen. Just let me know the day before you need them and he’ll bring them to work with him.
-You can take a coconut bread making workshop, cacao (chocolate) workshop, and/or indigenous bag making workshop here on the property for a fee. Please click here for more information. 

-Check out our Youtube Channel! 

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